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How to Optimize your Subscription Service Website

The subscription economy is slated to grow to $1.5 trillion in the next two years. With staggering numbers like that characterizing the ecommerce industry, now is high time for DTC brands to consider new strategies that will enable them to come out on top in the race to win subscribers.

While there are countless avenues to consider when building a strong marketing funnel for your subscription-based offerings like email and SMS, one that cannot be overlooked is your website. And, with over half of leaders from brand manufacturers reporting that their subscription service websites are only “somewhat effective” in acquiring and retaining customers, there is a lot of opportunity for improvement.

Because of this, we teamed up with WBR Insights and eTail on a report to better understand what strategies brands must implement to succeed in the subscription economy. Spoiler: Prioritizing customer experience and implementing AI-driven website optimization are key! 

In this guide we cover:

  • Industry perspectives on the challenges of expanding subscription-based offerings
  • Why AI-driven website optimization is a game-changer in the subscription economy 
  • Recommendations for how to scale your subscriber base rooted in real data
  • Much, much more

If your brand currently offers a subscription or plans to in the near future our new report is a must-read. Get a data-driven lens into the world of DTC subscriptions plus tons of recommendations to bolster the marketing strategy that underpins your subscription service by downloading How Brands Can Succeed in the Subscription Economy ASAP!

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