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Experiment with how you present promotions and discounts

Jun 22, 2021

The product details page is a good place to highlight the benefit of any free shipping, related promo offers, and discounts that your site offers. Each of these represents an investment you are making to motivate your customers to behave in a certain way. This is especially true when the offer is tied to the number of items purchased or the value added to the cart.

Some options you might highlight, based on the choices you’ve made in your business:

  • Free shipping for all orders, orders above $XX, or if XX items are added to the cart
  • Subscribe to auto-refill and get XX% off / free shipping
  • Save XX% when you buy the set
  • Buy one get one free
  • Free samples

Consider testing any of the following approaches to see what resonates with your buyers.

Leverage empty space above or below the page’s content

You could run a thin banner at the top or bottom of the page with your content. This approach is less intrusive and, while informative, does not distract away from the product you’re showcasing.

Example: Philz Coffee

This banner runs at the top of the page, below the navbar.

Thin Promotional Banner

Incorporate the promo in a hero image

You could showcase a new hero image containing the promotion. This will certainly catch the attention of your buyer as they view the product images for the first time.

Example: Komodoty (Mobile version)

The first thing you see on the PDP is this hero image, which showcases both the product and the promotion.

Promo Hero Image

Utilize the real estate around the Add To Cart CTA

You could add a new section near the Add To Cart button when it seems appropriate. This might be most appropriate for content around shipping, subscriptions, and auto-renewals. This context-sensitive option should only grab the customer’s attention at the point of purchase.

Example: Sephora

Sephora reminds you how much more you need to spend before free shipping is included by showcasing that info to the shipping option selection beside Add To Cart.

Add To Cart CTA
Example: Kate Somerville

You have the option to purchase the product as a one-time delivery or to set up recurring deliveries. The recurring option includes a discount and free shipping, so that info is showcased alongside the selection option beside Add To Cart.

Kate Somerville Discounts

Weave it in line with the product details

Another option to consider is to include the promo content in line with your product details. This runs the risk of it getting lost in other content on the page, but is potentially less intrusive.

Example: Apple

Here, Apple offers to give you money towards the purchase of your new product with eligible trade-in items. They list the promotion with the product info and note it again near the price.

Apple Product Promotion

Capture the buyer’s attention with a pop-up

If you really want to grab your customers’ attention, you could use a pop-up screen to inform them of your promotion. This will certainly not go unnoticed, but it is the most intrusive option.

You might also consider adding an option on the page so that if the customer dismisses the pop-up, they can still reengage with it if they choose to at a later time.

Example: Hemline

When you arrive on the product details page, a pop-up appears and takes over the page. You can engage with it or close the promo and proceed to view the page.

Pop-up Banners

Remind the buyer with a progress bar in the cart

The cart page is a great place to remind and promote free shipping, a gift, or other promotional content after a certain dollar value or number of items is reached. Test different placements, verbiage, and designs for the customer’s progress towards achieving the offer.

  • Placement – You might try various placement options, but some common places include a pop-up, near the checkout button, and above the items in the cart.
  • Design – Consider leaning into something more visual, like a progress bar, and perhaps an “Achieved” visual treatment for when they reach the goal.
Example: Sephora – Textual reminder

Sephora offers a textual reminder above the cart list that shows how much is left to spend before reaching free shipping.

Progress Bar in the Cart
Example: Caudabe – Progress bar

Caudabe offers the same kind of textual reminder, but also adds a nice progress bar as a visual indicator. The visual aid can encourage additional purchases with customers who are inclined to partake in gamification and unlocking achievements.

Cart Page Promotions

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