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Website Personalization

B2B Website Personalization Examples

What is Website Personalization and How Does it Pertain to B2B Brands?

Website personalization is the act of tailoring a website to attract prospective customers. With it marketers can customize web pages and present an experience to their site visitors that matches their consumer behavior. 

Also wildly popular among ecommerce brands, B2B businesses can benefit from applying website personalization tactics to their websites to entice and engage visitors. The only difference between the end goals for the two business types is the definition of conversion—for a B2B business, a conversion might be a lead form fill or a content download. For ecommerce brands, conversions are typically actions like adding products to a shopping cart or completing a purchase.

That said, if B2B is your game, you’re in the right place! Keep reading to learn tactical ways you can begin personalizing your B2B website.

Why is Website Personalization Important for B2B Companies? 

Here are a few key reasons B2B brands should be leveraging website personalization tactics in their marketing strategies:

  1. To stand out from the crowd. B2B brands need to set themselves apart from competitors through their website, which is most likely how prospects will learn about their services. 
  1. To improve the customer experience. Once they have a prospect’s attention, they need to make sure that the content on their website speaks directly to that individual visitor, in the buying stage they're in.

    It’s simple: A positive customer experience reduces friction when trying to convert more.
  1. To increase engagement. By adding elements of personalization to a B2B website, visitors are more likely to interact with the page (e.g., signing up for a webinar or requesting a product demo).

What are Examples of B2B Website Personalization?

While the list of ways B2B brands can personalize their sites is endless, here are a few ways we recommend to get your B2B website personalization engine up and running:

Customize your Website in Real-time with Zero-party Data

One great strategy to personalize your B2B website is by collecting zero-party data early on in the customer journey. Zero-party data is information that visitors proactively share with your brand. For many businesses, zero-party data usually consists of valuable details like email addresses or phone numbers. While these types of data are integral to building a strong relationship with prospective buyers, we recommend thinking beyond standard Personal Identifiable Information (PII) when collecting zero-party data.

Take for example project management tool, Monday’s, zero-party data collection strategy. On its homepage, the brand prompts visitors to pick how they intend to use Monday’s product. When a visitor picks an option the “Get Started” button lights up in the corresponding color to their selection. In addition to this fun aesthetic choice, Monday can also use the zero-party data garnered through this interactive element to customize the rest of the website for a particular visitor. 

Personalize Content Using Buyer Intent

According to Intellimize VP of Marketing and Partnerships, Tracy Sestili, using buyer intent to personalize your website experience is table stakes, particularly when it comes to your account based marketing (ABM) customer journey.

Before you start your ABM program, divide the contacts you are trying to reach into two categories: engaged and unengaged. Whether you choose to send these folks to your base website or a landing page, you’ll want to adjust the content they see based on their level of interest. For those who have engaged with you previously and show intent, you can hit them with different messaging around the value of your solution and how it addresses their pain points. For the non-engaged but showing intent, you need to prioritize brand awareness plus education on your solution so you can be a part of the conversation.

If you’re looking for more information on how to capture buyer intent data check out this article!

Customize the Homepage Using Firmographic Data

In addition to the other types of data mentioned in this article, you also have firmographic data at your disposal when personalizing your B2B website. Firmographic data can help you answer the following questions:

  • What company does the visitor work for?
  • What industry is the company part of? 
  • How much revenue does the company make?
  • How many people does the company employ?

Using this data you can customize your homepage to cater to different types of visitors. For instance, you’d likely want to use different verbiage for an ecommerce visitor versus someone who works in the healthcare industry. Even within a particular, you may want to customize what visitors see based on the size of their businesses to better cater to their particular needs. By using firmographic data to personalize your homepage you can give visitors a differentiated experience from the jump!

We’re Here to Help

Knowing where to start with website personalization may seem daunting, but it’s achievable on even a small scale. These examples show the endless possibilities that exist for B2B brands to provide a more personalized experience for buyers and ultimately drive more leads and more conversions.

 If you’re curious on how to get started providing more personalized experiences for your prospects, book a demo to learn how we can help.