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Deeper Conversion Insights Are Just One-Click Away

We’ve simplified our Google Analytics integration to one-click, automatically configuring data to your GA4 stream or UA property within minutes to align your website conversion results with your broader business insights and goals.

As many marketers are aware, Google will deprecate Universal Analytics (UA) in July, 2023, in favor of Google Analytics 4 (GA4). We’ve made it even easier to integrate our platform data to your Google Analytics platform to relieve busy CROs of the need to dedicate time and resources to build out a custom integration solution.

With a single-click we’ll automatically configure your impression-level experimentation event data to GA within minutes to align your conversion insights alongside your broader business and campaign insights.

Thing is, getting data from your experimentation tool to your analytics system can often be time consuming. Many integrations require some sort of manual hookup to get data flowing correctly. Even something as seemingly simple as configuring a new tag through GTM can take days and weeks to implement—especially if it’s managed by a separate team with their own priorities. 

As velocity is key to a successful experimentation program due to the constantly changing digital environment, any time lost putting the right pieces in place to ensure depth of analysis can really kill your momentum.

It may even result in nascent experimentation programs failing outright if leaders with an eye on rapid results see nothing happening quickly. As a result, it makes using the experimentation tool supplied by your analytics provider all the more appealing.

In addition, as many leaders in an organization already have access to GA, integrating your conversion insights for others to organically view is a great way to ensure your programs are visible, integrated and valued by your broader organization.

In order to make this as simple as possible for our customers our one-click integration between Intellimize and GA is available for both UA and GA4 and has the added bonus that automated configuration will reduce any potential error that could occur with a manual setup.

Set up integration
Set up integration

You can also manually configure the integration. This can be useful for sending experiment data to multiple streams or properties simultaneously. We recommend reviewing our platform Help Articles for GA4 manual configuration pro tips that we’ve identified, in advance of starting the process to have the most streamlined and error-free experience.

And the kicker? Your configuration, whether manual or automatic, will be durable to changes in your GA and GTM setup. Meaning there shouldn’t be a time where you think everything is peachy and are met with a blank table when trying to segment data from your latest experiment. 

We believe that converting more business through your website should be simple. We’re excited to release our one-click Google Analytics integration so anyone can convert more and gain deeper, richer analytics to grow and sustain their business results.

~Lennon Cole, Sr. CRO Strategy Consultant