Convert target accounts into revenue

Turn your website into an ABM machine with AI-driven personalization.

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Convert target accounts into revenue

Turn your website into an ABM machine with AI-driven personalization.

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Personalize for every persona

Whether it’s one-to-many, one-to-few, or one-to-one, you can easily tailor your messaging to deliver personalized customer experiences that will get your audience to convert more.

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Persona windows

Target the right accounts

Easily set up segments based on firmographic, technographic, first-party, or third-party data and we’ll dynamically serve the right content to each audience.

Scale landing page creation

No need to create zillions of individual landing pages. Use one core page and turn it into an ABM machine by customizing it for every visitor using our AI.

Easily measure impact

Measure the full funnel impact of all of your channels with Audience Insights to see which channels are converting the most to inform future campaigns.

Coupa logo

A dynamic ABM program driven with AI

See how Coupa drove a 32% lift on their homepage by delivering unique experiences across 4 verticals.

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tested variants


page combinations


lift in homepage conversion

Elevate personalization with dynamic content

Dynamically update webpages with account name, industry, title, and more for a personalized experience. Show different values based on correlating data all on one landing page.

Dynamic content illustration
Personalized experiences illustration

Personalized experiences sell more

With AI-driven personalization, you can optimize 25x faster than conventional A/B testing, leading to an improved customer experience and more conversions.

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Popular technology integrations

Connect your martech stack with Intellimize to gain additional insights to power your ABM strategy.

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Learn more about ABM best practices

7 Things to Do Before You Launch Your ABM Program

7 Things to Do Before You Launch Your ABM Program

In order to ensure your ABM program doesn’t get cut, take a few lessons out of Tracy Sestili VP of Marketing's playbook and do these things.

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Why Third Party Buyer Intent Sucks

Why Third Party Buyer Intent Sucks

Let's face it—third party buyer intent sucks. Intellimize CMO, Tracy Sestili, shares why the biggest problem with third party data is recency.

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ABM Attribution 101: Find What’s Working (and What’s Not)

ABM Attribution 101: Find What’s Working (and What’s Not)

Learn more about ABM attribution and how it can help you drive success in your campaigns.

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See how Intellimize can improve your ABM program

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