Personalize your website for every persona

Scale powerful website experiences with AI-driven optimization.

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Personalize your website for every persona

Power and scale intelligent buyer experiences with AI.

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It’s time to get personal

90% of B2B buyers expect a B2C personalized experience when making a business purchase.

Eliminate the guesswork

Intellimize’s AI auto-allocates traffic,including anonymous first time visitors, to deliver the best experience with the highest likelihood to convert.

Unify across channels

Dynamically show customers relevant messaging and offers across all acquisition channels and then see what’s resonating on which channels.

Empower your sales team

With Intellimize’s Enhanced Match you can put the power in the hands of your sales team to personalize any web page down to a 1:1 level.

Snowflake logo

Page conversions accelerated by 60%

Intellimize’s machine learning enabled the Snowflake team to update thousands of 1:1 landing pages, ensuring that each page displayed the elements most likely to convert visitors.

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lift in meetings booked


increase in engagement

Lead buyers to take action

Modals allow you to engage with buyers on page load, 50% scroll depth, or exit-intent with a call to action. Choose between center screen or a side pop.

Use modals to prompt webinar registrations, content downloads or demo requests to keep your target audience engaged.

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“[The] Visual Editor tools make it really easy to bring ideas to life and I can personalize experiences to my anonymous traffic on the first-page view.”

ron weber, sr. Director of web Coms & SEO at Actian

Popular technology integrations

Connect your martech stack with Intellimize to deliver powerful landing pages.

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Explore more resources on SaaS personalization

B2B Website Personalization Recipes to Delight the Senses

B2B Website Personalization Recipes to Delight the Senses

A step-by-step guide to personalization success with all of the necessary website ingredients.

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How to Scale Your Personalization Program with AI

How to Scale Your Personalization Program with AI

If you're looking to scale your personalization program with AI, check out our eBook, Profitable Personalization: How AI Can Increase Your Ecommerce Revenue.

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ABM Marketers Can Now Target Prospects with Personalized Content Using Salesforce Data

ABM Marketers Can Now Target Prospects with Personalized Content Using Salesforce Data

We’re excited to announce the latest release of our turnkey Salesforce integration with Enhanced Match to deanonymize visitors from key accounts. Read this blog to learn more about this exciting release.

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Learn more about personalization for SaaS

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