Create codeless landing pages that convert

Drive more conversions, save time, and stay ahead of the competition.

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Create codeless landing pages that convert

Drive more conversions, save time, and stay ahead of the competition.

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Personalize for every persona with AI

Make visitors feel like your landing page was built just for them.

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Build smarter landing pages

Intellimize’s AI allows you to create relevant landing pages that resonate so you can deliver consistent experiences that convert. 

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Generate copy instantly

Writer’s block? No problem. AI copy suggestions will help you brainstorm persuasive and compelling copy resulting in winning variations.

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Personalize every campaign

Align your landing pages with your campaigns and determine which unique elements are most effective in driving conversions.

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Page conversions accelerated by 60%

Intellimize’s machine learning enabled the Snowflake team to update thousands of 1:1 landing pages, ensuring that each page displayed the elements most likely to convert visitors.

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lift in meetings booked


increase in engagement

Speak to visitor pain points

Align the experience with the visitor’s expectations and preferences. Easily tailor your content, messaging, and design of your landing page to specific segments.

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screen of landing page being edited

“When you have the data in front of you and can see how people engage and what’s statistically relevant, it’s a revelation.”

Director of ABM, Snowflake

Popular technology integrations

Connect your martech stack with Intellimize to deliver powerful landing pages.

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Explore more resources on landing pages

B2B Landing Page Checklist

B2B Landing Page Checklist

Looking for a B2B landing page checklist? We hope this checklist serves as a helpful guide the next time you’re tasked with building a B2B landing page.

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How to Leverage Intellimize Landing Pages

How to Leverage Intellimize Landing Pages

Read this blog post to discover how to leverage Intellimize landing pages to reduce bounce rates, create personalized pages to support your ABM efforts, and much more!

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How Website Personalization Helped Snowflake’s ABM Team Increase Meetings by 49%

How Website Personalization Helped Snowflake’s ABM Team Increase Meetings by 49%

As part of their ABM strategy, Snowflake leveraged Intellimize to automatically test and personalize 1,000s of landing pages for each of their target accounts.

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Learn more about building dynamic landing pages

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