When it comes to website testing, we all know that what’s good for the goose isn’t necessarily good for the gander— meaning, not every site variation will work for every company. But, even though this is the case we can’t ignore what other brands are doing with their sites altogether.
In fact, taking time to observe and analyze what competitors are doing with their websites, can give you and your team the edge you need to make adjustments to your site that really move the needle. That’s right! When you’re competing for the same audience, especially in the world of ecommerce, it’s critical to take a look at what others within your same category are doing to engage the same personas your company is aiming to convert.
That’s why we put together our eBook 7 Proven Ecommerce Experiments that Work. In this guide, we feature website experiments that have worked for REAL Intellimize customers across the following categories:
- Consumer packaged goods
- Skincare
- Meal delivery
If you lead website testing for a brand within any of these categories, this eBook is a must-read. In it, you’ll see real success metrics from real brands that you may be competing with directly! Plus, we’ve also included mock-ups of what these experiments look like when implemented. Get a window into your competitors’ CRO strategy by downloading 7 Proven Ecommerce Experiments that Work.