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2023 Website Personalization Trends

2023 is here which means it’s time to zero in on CRO goals that will really move the needle in Q1 and beyond. But sometimes choosing a starting point or a handful of tangible objectives is easier said than done. That’s why we’ve put together a list of 2023 website personalization trends that we’re seeing CRO-focused organizations implement to achieve their desired growth this year.

In order to compile the 2023 website personalization trends you see below we partnered with Demand Gen Report (DGR) on a new report called What’s Working in Personalization? In the report, Intellimize VP of Marketing, Tracy Sestili sat down with DGR to chat about the future of personalization particularly as it pertains to building high-converting websites.

Keep reading to get a high-level understanding of these 2023 website personalization trends and download the report here to dive even deeper.

First-party Data in the Spotlight

Sestili has observed a shift towards prioritizing the collection of and leveraging first-party data. First-party data refers to data a company has obtained directly from their audience and includes things like demographic information, social media conversations, and customer survey data. 

The collection of first-party data enables brands to have a direct and deep understanding of their audience, allowing them to make more informed decisions about their CRO program. Moreover, it often serves as the backbone to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)-backed website personalization tools. A fact which leads us to our next trend…

AI and ML will Make CROs’ Lives Easier

Although there is often a looming fear that AI will replace jobs, or even that robots will take over the world, Sestili is sure that’s not the case. In fact, she posits that AI-driven tools like ChatGPT and Writer will actually make marketers’ lives easier, freeing up their time from tedious work so they can focus on broader strategy.

For CROs in particular, AI can dynamically change the webpage or landing page a visitor sees based on the digital footprint someone leaves when visiting a website. This can be used to create highly targeted campaigns that have a higher propensity to convert. Simply put, AI = more conversions.

Marketers Will Advocate Internally for CRO

According to Sirius Decisions, 67% of B2B marketers do research before coming to a site to engage with a sales rep. With staggering numbers like these characterizing the world of digital marketing there’s no denying that brands’ websites will continue to reign supreme in 2023.

Because of this marketers will advocate for CRO to aid with the personalization of the visitors they already have coming to their site. Implementing website personalization can lower the overall customer acquisition costs (CAC) and can help increase overall revenue.

To learn more about these trends and how marketers are implementing personalization across other marketing channels like email, social media and ads download What’s Working in Personalization? now!

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