Delivering personalized website experiences is now the rule, not the exception in B2B marketing. With 78% of B2B buyers expecting companies to adapt their experiences to individual changing needs and preferences, a continuously evolving and customized buyer experience is a requirement to stand out from the competition.
While one of the primary goals of website personalization is to increase conversions, it’s not the only goal. Personalizing an experience helps prospective buyers access the information they need based on their stage in the buying journey, even if they aren’t ready to purchase.
It may seem like a lot of ingredients to gather in order to deliver an optimal experience, right? Much like the family recipe for your favorite meal, personalization takes practice to find the right mix of taste and technique.
Start by collecting your ingredients, thoughtfully thinking through your target audience and ICP. Then, gather and ensure you have access to all of the data you need in order to target your ICP with personalization efforts. Once your ingredients are prepped, the next step is to define your specific personalization goals and map those goals to the buyer journey. Next, find examples of personalization recipes from other B2B brands and tips on where to get started depending on your personalization program’s maturity. From there, mix it up and test different recipes to determine what works for your business. Adjust your strategy once you’ve got some data flowing in on how the program is progressing. Finally, garnish the experience by aligning post-sales experience to deliver a truly full-funnel personalized journey.
Get all of these details and more in our new ebook, Cooking Up Success: B2B Website Personalization Recipes. It turns website personalization into an easy-to-follow recipe. With clear steps that align with wherever your business is in its personalization journey, this thoughtful approach can be tailored to your specific tastes and preferences to deliver an award-winning buyer experience.
Won’t you join us? Download Cooking Up Success: B2B Website Personalization Recipes and let’s cook up some delicious personalization magic together.