How Ecommerce Brands Leverage Benefits Instead of Features to Sell More
Let’s play a quick game:
You’re on the hunt for a new pair of headphones— which of the following details about the product you’re vetting is more compelling?
- Wireless
- No more cords to untangle
What about these?
- Bluetooth connectivity
- Easily pair with any bluetooth enabled device
How about these two?
- 30-hour battery life
- Never worry about charging your headphones again
If you selected 2 for each question then congratulations, you, like most consumers are more convinced to purchase by benefits instead of features!
While features typically describe what a product or service does, benefits on the other hand tell consumers how a product or service will improve their lives. Both features and benefits are important information to give visitors to aid in their decision-making process. However, in highly competitive markets where products may share the same features, brands must differentiate themselves by offering unique benefits.
Keep reading to see how five leading ecommerce brands dedicate sections of their sites to product benefits.
Poppi: Icons Galore
Prebiotic soda company, Poppi, offers a “Bubbles with benefits” section on each of its product detail pages (PDPs). As seen below, the benefits of drinking Poppi include improved digestion and heart health. By pairing each benefit with an icon, it’s easy for visitors to understand how drinking Poppi will positively impact their health and lifestyle.
Upright: Science-backed Benefits
Upright, a brand that sells posture trainers, takes a scientific approach to listing the benefits of its gadgets. In the example below, Upright touts that the Upright GO 2 can improve seating discomfort, reduce pain, and improve posture. More than that, Upright offers clinically validated research to support the exciting benefits the brand has to offer. For consumers that appreciate the science that goes into wellness products like Upright’s, the benefit descriptions in the below screenshot are particularly effective.
Tula Skincare: Benefits Modal
Tula Skincare’s Ultra Hydrating Day & Night Cream has so many benefits that the brand can’t fit them all on the PDP! Below, the first screenshot shows the four product benefits that actually made it onto the PDP. The latter screenshot shows the modal that opens when a visitor clicks the “See full benefits” call to action (CTA). Through this website design choice, Tula Skincare makes it clear that benefiting its customers is a key area of focus for the brand.
HUM Nutrition: Clinical Research
Vitamin brand, HUM Nutrition, uses a two-pronged approach to list its product benefits. First, as seen on the below PDP, the brand explains in non-scientific language the benefits customers can expect to see by using the brand’s Collagen Love product. Secondly, the brand also offers clinical research (including sources) to explain the efficacy of its product. To see the more detailed and academic benefits all a visitor needs to do is click the “Read Clinical Research” CTA conveniently located under the “What it does” section.
Lovevery: Checklist of Benefits
Loverery sells toys that support babies’ brain development. To illustrate exactly what its products do, the brand offers a checklist on each of its PDPs. In the case of The Looker Play Kit, parents can expect to see their newborns build new brain connections, process new surroundings, and explore high-contrast images. Without explicitly explaining the benefits of its products, visitors may confuse Lovevery for a more conventional toy brand.
We hope these five examples give you the inspiration you need to start experimenting with focusing on benefits over features in your ecommerce website copy.
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