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Website Optimization Tips for Coworking Businesses

Over one million people in the US use coworking spaces, and by 2030 coworking spaces are set to make up 30% of the office market. With staggering numbers like these characterizing the commercial real estate market, it's important for coworking businesses to solidify their marketing strategies to stay competitive as the future of work evolves.

For many coworking businesses, recurring revenue is dependent on booking and conducting tours with prospective clients and getting those who tour to sign a lease. Because of this, coworking businesses must invest in building a compelling website optimized to book more tours. But, when it comes to optimizing your coworking business’ website, where should you start?

Keep reading to learn about three strategies coworking business, Industrious, leverages to book more tours through their website and scale their business. 

Reduce Reliance on Your Engineering Team

In a highly competitive and fast-moving market like the coworking industry, marketing teams must make website adjustments quickly and efficiently. However, for many organizations, website changes, or even creating a single landing page can require help from the engineering team, something that can make it challenging to move swiftly. To reduce your reliance on your engineers, consider investing in a codeless solution that allows your marketing changes to make website changes as needed.

The marketing team at Industrious chose to partner with Intellimize to reduce their need for engineering expertise when making website changes. With Intellimize, Industrious can swap and shift elements on their base website and landing pages without engaging their engineering team. No more waiting two weeks to submit a ticket and get requests live! 

Consider a Self-serve Option

Although many prospective renters prefer to see a coworking space in-person before signing a lease, there may be shoppers out there ready to sign, sight unseen. Whether or not this makes up a significant portion of your visitors, you may want to consider building a self-serve option for your website so folks that are ready to rent can do so as soon as possible.

Industrious recently launched a self-serve option on their site where browsers can select a space and checkout themselves with a credit card instead of booking a tour, diversifying the company’s business model. If you choose to build out a self-serve site section, don’t just set it and forget it. Be sure to run experiments on the page(s) to make sure its as efficient as possible and earn more revenue through your site.

Invest in AI-driven Optimization

A/B testing and other traditional forms of experimentation have long been table stakes when it comes to website optimization. However, because the coworking market is expanding at such a fast clip, coworking businesses must consider emerging technologies like AI to achieve results faster. While A/B testing and the like can be slow to provide definitive results, AI-driven optimization shows each site visitor the version of the site most likely to get them to convert. This means that while other coworking businesses are waiting for stat sig, those that have invested in AI-driven optimization are booking tours and winning business.

Head of Marketing at Industrious, Chris Baszto, cites Intellimize’s AI Optimize as a key driver behind his team’s website success. He says, “AI has allowed me to push the team and be more creative and more daring. The AI technology is going to decide the right route and help us find what good looks like faster. Let’s find 10 great ideas and let the machine tell us what’s going to work.”

If you’re interested in learning more about Industrious' website strategy, and the role Intellimize has played in helping them reach their goals check out their full customer story.

Industrious generates $1.6M in value with Intellimize

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