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4 Social Proof Strategies for Fitness Equipment Websites

It’s no surprise that consumers rely heavily on social proof when making fitness equipment purchasing decisions. Why? Because when you’re spending a pretty penny on a treadmill or stationary bike, you want to make sure that the piece of equipment will work correctly.

Social proof strategies like customer reviews, before and after photos, user-generated content (UGC), celebrity endorsements, and awards and certifications are core building blocks of an effective fitness equipment website. Keep reading to see examples of several of these social proof methods employed by real fitness equipment brands.

Lululemon Studio: Customer Reviews

When shopping online consumers want an average of 112 reviews per product. With numbers like that characterizing social proof in today’s ecommerce market, it’s imperative that fitness equipment companies do everything they can to collect customer feedback to feature on their websites.

Below Lululemon Studio features customer reviews for their product, The Mirror. The reviews not only feature written content but photos as well, which help prospective customers envision what the product might look like in their homes and how it can complement their lifestyles.

Fitness Website Social Proof

Tempo: User-generated Content

UGC is content pertaining to a particular brand or product that is created by fans, customers, or employees for free. This popular form of social proof is a foundational building block for any effective fitness equipment website.

Tempo, which touts a highly “Instagram-able” design, leverages UGC on its site to show off just how great its equipment looks in real customers’ homes. The photos help to show that Tempo’s products can complement buyers' interior design, which isn’t always the case with heavy gym equipment.

Fitness Website Social Proof

Tonal: Celebrity Endorsements

Many fitness equipment brands partner with world-class athletes to help sell their products. Why? Because if it’s good enough for an MVP or an olympian it’s definitely good enough for a customer looking to add steady work-outs to their schedules.

Tonal dedicates its homepage to certified GOAT, LeBron James. In addition to a video of James using the brand’s product, Tonal also includes a bold headline: “LeBron James. Powered By Tonal.” The combination of imagery and copy indicates to visitors that not only does James use Tonal’s equipment, but the brand’s product is key to his athletic success.

Fitness Website Social Proof

Vitruvian: Awards and Certifications

When shoppers are considering spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars on a fitness product, knowing that the equipment is award-winning can help push them towards making a purchase.

Vitruvian knows this, and as such, the brand features many awards and certifications for its adaptive weight machines on its website. These impressive accolades can help site visitors feel confident that Vitruvian’s products are legitimate and will work.

Fitness Website Social Proof

We hope these four social proof strategies for fitness equipment websites give you the inspiration you need to step up your social proof game.

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