Meal delivery company achieved a 47% lift in new subscriptions in 30 days
Download Case StudyWhen “A” vs “B” tests no longer cut it
As lives and schedules get busier, subscription-based meal delivery services are gaining popularity. With that increase in popularity though, comes an increase in competition. With over 150 meal kit delivery services in the US alone it’s becoming more and more important for these direct to consumer businesses to stand out from the crowd. The solution? Website optimization and personalization.
Over an 18 month period, a popular subscription-based meal delivery service enlisted the help of Intellimize to overhaul their website personalization strategy and optimize their testing which resulted in significant lift to the company’s key website metrics.
Before Intellimize, this service was using a traditional A/B testing approach, leaving them hungry for revenue as options for testing and scalability were limited.
Moving from simple A/B testing to AI Optimize with Intellimize, the service achieved a 47% lift in new subscriptions in just 30 days. The brand’s growth marketing team relies heavily on their website and landing pages to sell and drive demand for their organic pre-made meals and meal kits.
Using AI Optimize allowed the meal delivery service to test 372 variations in just 18 months (that’s 1 billion page combinations for those doing the math), personalizing online experiences for audience segments and individual visitors. The company’s growth team was also able to lean on Intellimize to navigate the post COVID-19 business environment, determining market tolerance for new price points and pinpointing the right messaging for those price changes to ensure lowest possible churn.
To learn what’s up next for this dynamic marketing team and how they’ll continue to optimize with Intellimize and use it to drive even more personalization with existing subscribers and customers, view the full case study below.