According to McKinsey, 71 percent of shoppers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions. With the overwhelming majority of consumers demanding personalized experiences, it’s more important than ever to scale and execute a strong B2B personalization strategy. But, where should you start, and what challenges should you expect as you build out your B2B personalization program?
To answer these questions and more, Caitlin Seele, Head of Digital Marketing at Drift, presented at Convertapalooza, our marketing and creativity festival. During her session, Tuning Up Your Personalization Strategy, Caitlin gave a crash course on how to create a high-converting B2B personalization program.
Keep reading for a sneak peek of some of the tips Caitlin covered in her presentation, or watch her full session now.
Align with Your Sales Team
One of the first steps you should take when building out your B2B personalization program is taking time to align with your sales team to identify who you should be targeting. According to Calitlin, your sales team should be your “best friend” as you identify how to personalize for your target account list. Additionally, because your sales team is on the front lines when it comes to engaging with prospects, they can help create personalized positioning that speaks to potential buyers.
Be Human, Contextual, and Helpful
When creating a personalization program Caitlin recommends “being human, contextual, and helpful.” Spend time thinking about what motivates your audience to buy at both the company and individual level. It’s easy to add a first name token here or there, but to achieve true and effective personalization you’ll need to learn about your audience’s pain points, and apply those insights to your messaging.
Start with 1:Few Personalization
The idea of creating a 1:1 personalization program can be daunting, especially if you’re building your strategy from the ground up. Although 1:1 personalization may be your ultimate goal, Caitlin recommends starting with a 1:few program. To begin, think about implementing personalization tactics such as targeting companies in a certain industry, or buyers at a certain job level. Personalizing for broader categories like these can be a great way to test some of your hypotheses before diving into hyper-personalization.
Looking for more actionable tips from Caitlin? Be sure to watch her full presentation, Tuning Up Your Personalization Strategy, now to grab her expert insights on B2B personalization.